Click the gear icon and select Install Add-on from File Navigate to the downloaded file > Double click to open Click the link to restart Zotero now After installing and restarting. You need to create an account and log in to use Zotero on these computers. Go to Tools > Add-ons If the pop up looks blank, resize it by using your cursor to drag the side edge in or out. Please note that Zotero will determine the operating system and the browser used in your computer. The computers in the labs on campus have Zotero installed. To install Zotero and the browser connector visit and click the big red Download button. Your Zotero library is stored in the cloud and can be synced to any computer with the software installed. It's easy to use and saves time while helping you manage and use resources. It allows you to organize your research in folders, add tags and notes, and create in-text citations and bibliographies within Word and LibreOffice with its cite-while-you-write feature. It works with Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Safari browsers and captures citation information and full text from websites and databases such as Google Scholar and Academic Search Ultimate. Enter your Zotero username and password in the Sync tab. GitHub - zotero/zotero: Zotero is a free. Zotero will help you keep track of information you find while doing research, and it helps you cite your sources in many different citation styles. Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.

Zotero is a free, open-source research and reference management program similar to EndNote, Mendeley, and RefWorks.